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Ouch My Hips… Skiing With Arthritis

Soooooo, I went skiing yesterday and it was SPECTACULAR!!

I'm an adventurer, whether it's skiing, surfing, long distance running or any other awesome physical activity involving a challenge I'm up for it. Unfortunately, all my many autoimmune diseases aren't.

When it comes to skiing, type 1 diabetes and nasty arthritis like to protest any FUN involved in the day. But here is a lesson I've learned, and one I've mentioned previously in the blog, it's important to LIVE. It's also important to take care of yourself.

You might be asking, where's the balance? How can I be the healthiest I can be and feel great when throwing myself into an exhilarating sport????

Balance, do the sport or activity, take lots of breaks, drink lots of water and bring ibuprofen. Your going to hurt

during the day and you're going to be exhausted the next on top of being soar. But you've concurred a mountain. You chose to live and have an adventure. Be cheerful and remember that you'll feel better in a day or two. Forgive yourself the nasty blood sugars and the grinding hips and go for it!

You can only live as much as you let yourself. So don't be afraid. Sometimes getting out of bed for a few hours is the biggest adventure you can handle. And that's HUGE.

Adventure and Pain balance each other out in my book. I choose to go for it and push myself outside the boundaries of physical illness, it puts a smile on my face where I can say, I did this, today on this mountain, I showed T1D and Arthrisis who's boss:) You can too:)

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